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PhD Candidate at the University of Regensburg:

(Thesis Adviser:
Prof. Dr. Andrés Quero Sánchez)

OLEH UTKIN, M.A. / PhD. Cand.

Oleh Passfoto.jpg

Dissertation Research Topic:

“The Origins of the Ideas and Methodological Premises of the Interpretations of the Category “The One” in Neoplatonic Philosophy”




Master in Philosophy (with honours) at the 

Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University


Postgraduate student of the Department of Philosophy at the Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University


Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the

Department of General Scientific, Social and Behavioral Disciplines of the

MAUP Odessa Institute


Co-organizer of an educational project "Відкрита філософська школа" at the

Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University

(Open Philosophy School)

Lectures & Courses given at the

Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University

(A Selection):

- “Analytics of the Mysticism”

- “Ancient Neoplatonism”

- “Fundamentals of Henology”

- “Plotinus, The Enneads” 

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